The thing I love about sports is replenishing new vim and vigour for everyday life and keeping myself fit. Preferably on the bike. With the EDGE TWENTY, I have found a bike backpack that is truly versatile, a backpack that simply does everything. In the morning on the e-bike to work, in the evening with the trekking bike to volleyball practise and on the weekends on an enduro tour to South Tyrol. But then I use it with the built-in back protector and hydration pack.
Χωρητικότητα : 20 litres.
Συμβατή με υδροδοχείο.
Θέσεις για βρεγμένα αντικείμενα.
Δυνατότητα μεταφοράς κράνους.
Υλικό κατασκευής : 100% Polyester
Βάρος : 1040g
Χρώμα : Black